Services for exhibitions

  • Museological and museographic projects. Proposals for design, basic and executive projects. Work management, quality control. Development of ideas, feasibility studies. Orientative and executive budget… Without prior commitments, with professionalism and camaraderie, working as a team, working together…

  • Proposals for content, development, documentation, loan management, searching for images, viewing of video libraries… Grop has a complete network of specialised professionals to work on a specific theme, selecting in each case not just a more established team, but also the most territorially and emotionally close…

  • Once the foundations and the basic script of an exhibition project are established, a script writer or a team prepared for this will be responsible for giving educational, literary and rigorous meaning to the content of each exhibit. Its work in conjunction with the project management created for this purpose will give final shape to the project, culminating constructively and museographically in the exhibition.

  • Consulting service with no commitment to any idea, project, suggestion, comment, question and anything that could emerge given the challenge of creating, renting, selling, proposing, evaluating and promoting an exhibition. The knowledge of some professionals in the sector will boost the consistency and credibility of any proposal, helping to believe in its feasibility.

  • Graphic design, the proposal of an image for the exhibition and its entire surroundings, modelling, dissemination, small and large format printing, sketches, announcements, banners on lampposts… The image and dissemination of the exhibition to assist it.

  • Construction and delivery of the exhibition keys in hand. From clarification and consensus with the project management of the production and deliveries through construction in workshops and the collection of materials and equipment, until the exhibition is transported and assembled. All this happens with the same team and a single interlocutor.

  • Installations and assemblies done by our own teams of skilled employees and operators. Guaranteed loyalty, training and ability. Grop’s teams of employees and operators create a safe environment of camaraderie for carrying out and finalising any project, using techniques and specialities to ensure the best results. Audiovisual experts, electricians, stage designers, qualified handlers of works of art, with specific knowledge about a particular branch, multidisciplinary operators, etc… Always under a single supervisor and team leader.

  • Grop has the infrastructure, means, preparation and staff necessary to enter into contracts for any short or long-term maintenance of your facilities. Its staff’s skills and own means allow for careful and continuous monitoring in each assembly and quick action against possible unexpected developments in the course of your exhibition.

  • serveis_itineraciones2Grop has a department organised and prepared exclusively for travelling exhibitions, shows, stands and expository projects in general. The rising activity in this market and the peculiar aspects of this type of work have made it advisable for the company to create a specific infrastructure and specially trained employees to carry out this kind of work. Logistics, maintenance, management, monitoring, continuous care, etc… A series of very specific requirements that, when combined complementarily with the rest of the company, articulate a solid, consistent and compatible joint structure.