Jorge Semprun. The long journey
Jorge Semprun. The long journey
Precursors. Feminisms, camera in hand and file on your back
Precursors. Feminisms, camera in hand and file on your back
Connected. 40 years of TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio
Connected. 40 years of TV3 and Catalunya Ràdio
Suzanne Valadon. A modern epic
Suzanne Valadon. A modern epic
The other side
The other side
Away from home, Amateur cinema in Catalonia 1924-1940
Away from home, Amateur cinema in Catalonia 1924-1940
The Lost Mirror. Jews and "Conversos" in the Middle Ages
The Lost Mirror. Jews and "Conversos" in the Middle Ages
The books of the Republican Generalitat (1931-1939)
The books of the Republican Generalitat (1931-1939)
What humanity? The human figure after the war (1940-1960)
What humanity? The human figure after the war (1940-1960)
Language Promotion Campaign
Language Promotion Campaign
Romans in the lands of Ponent, Ilerda, Ieso, Aeso
Romans in the lands of Ponent, Ilerda, Ieso, Aeso
Domènech i Montaner, world heritage
Domènech i Montaner, world heritage
The shelter of the ruins
The shelter of the ruins
Manoel de Oliveira, photographer
Manoel de Oliveira, photographer
Anglada Camarasa. The premeditated archive
Anglada Camarasa. The premeditated archive
Maa-Yiem, the extraordinary story of Jordi Sabater Pi
Maa-Yiem, the extraordinary story of Jordi Sabater Pi
Where are they? 85 years of mass graves
Where are they? 85 years of mass graves
Knock on wood! Design, wood
Knock on wood! Design, wood & sustainability
The mark of Felip Pedrell
The mark of Felip Pedrell
Azaña: intelectual y estadista
Azaña: intelectual y estadista
Bromoil prints. Pictoralist photography by Joaquim Pla Janini
Bromoil prints. Pictoralist photography by Joaquim Pla Janini
Speaking is in your hands
Speaking is in your hands
ID Project. An approach to the genre of portraiture. Jordi Bernadó
ID Project. An approach to the genre of portraiture. Jordi Bernadó
Corpus. 700 years of celebration in Catalonia
Corpus. 700 years of celebration in Catalonia
Annibale Carracci. The frescoes from the Herrera Chapel
Annibale Carracci. The frescoes from the Herrera Chapel
Mias. The making of making (architecture)
Mias. The making of making (architecture)
Banksy. The Art of Protest
Banksy. The Art of Protest
Living in Barcelona Challenges, battles and politics in the 20th century
Living in Barcelona Challenges, battles and politics in the 20th century
Jaime Camino. No tan de pressa!
Jaime Camino. No tan de pressa!
Barbara Luisi. La Rose et l’Olivier. Un itinéraire spirituel
Barbara Luisi. La Rose et l’Olivier. Un itinéraire spirituel
Commons objects
Commons objects
Feeding Barcelona
Feeding Barcelona
Barcelona & Futbol
The witness of the ship Barceloneta I
The witness of the ship Barceloneta I
Exhibition Aire Catalonia in Venice
Exhibition Aire Catalonia in Venice
Balenciaga. The Elegance of the Hat
Balenciaga. The Elegance of the Hat
The post-war maritime Barcelona
The post-war maritime Barcelona
The cabinet of curiosities of Barcelona
The cabinet of curiosities of Barcelona
Vicente Nieto. Photographs 1936-1967
Vicente Nieto. Photographs 1936-1967
Barcelona Flashback
Barcelona Flashback
Mango Fashion
Mango Fashion
Fashion and dressmakers
Fashion and dressmakers
Architecture and criticism
Architecture and criticism
Metropolis of cities
Metropolis of cities
Seventh centenary of the Archive of the Crown of Aragón, 1318-2018
Seventh centenary of the Archive of the Crown of Aragón, 1318-2018
Green looks
Green looks
Life? or theater. Charlotte Salomon
Life? or theater. Charlotte Salomon
Gala Dalí. A room of one's own in Púbol
Gala Dalí. A room of one's own in Púbol
Prop de Hollywood
Prop de Hollywood
The Basics of Political Catalanism. The Bases of Manresa, 125 years
The Basics of Political Catalanism. The Bases of Manresa, 125 years
Passages BCN / Transition spaces for the city of the 21st century
Passages BCN / Transition spaces for the city of the 21st century
D’Ones, (R) evolution of women in music
D’Ones, (R) evolution of women in music
Barcelona’s architectural and urban heritage
Barcelona’s architectural and urban heritage
Joana Biarnes. To counter current
Joana Biarnes. To counter current
A Portrait of Politics
A Portrait of Politics
A shared history. The brand through communication
A shared history. The brand through communication
Cendrós: A businessman of action
Cendrós: A businessman of action
El Celler de Can Roca, from the Earth to the Moon
El Celler de Can Roca, from the Earth to the Moon
The façades of Can Pistoles (Cinema Capitol, 1926-1989)
The façades of Can Pistoles (Cinema Capitol, 1926-1989)
Talaiotic Architecture. The Prehistory of Minorca
Talaiotic Architecture. The Prehistory of Minorca
Outumuro BCN portraits
Outumuro BCN portraits
The Thinking Machine. Ramon Llull and the ars combinatoria”
The Thinking Machine. Ramon Llull and the ars combinatoria”
Childhood remembrance: memory of design
Childhood remembrance: memory of design
Comediants: inventors of a new language
Comediants: inventors of a new language
Baltasar Porcel. Mallorca, Barcelona, the world
Baltasar Porcel. Mallorca, Barcelona, the world
Once upon a time… Speech
Once upon a time… Speech
Inventions. Ideas that change lives
Inventions. Ideas that change lives
Water, the right to a decent life
Water, the right to a decent life
Darwin. The journey of a naturalist
Darwin. The journey of a naturalist
From de Field to the Market. The value of local agriculture
From de Field to the Market. The value of local agriculture
Ramon Casanova Danes, 1892/1968. The crazy of the Hispano
Ramon Casanova Danes, 1892/1968. The crazy of the Hispano
Reading like living. Homage to Joan Triadú. 1921-2010
Reading like living. Homage to Joan Triadú. 1921-2010
Closer. Knowledge   commitment   cooperation
Closer. Knowledge + commitment + cooperation
Barcelona Prêt-à-porter 1958-2008
Barcelona Prêt-à-porter 1958-2008
Pencil and action! Roser Capdevila draws
Pencil and action! Roser Capdevila draws
The drylands of Lleida
The drylands of Lleida
Pompeii, disaster under Vesuvius
Pompeii, disaster under Vesuvius
Ferran Adria and elBulli. Risk, freedom and creativity
Ferran Adria and elBulli. Risk, freedom and creativity
Catalonia 1400. The international Gothic Style
Catalonia 1400. The international Gothic Style
New York Times magazine. Photos
New York Times magazine. Photos
FCC and Barcelona’s sewer network. 1911-2011
FCC and Barcelona’s sewer network. 1911-2011
The Gold Rush. Scenes of the new bourgeoisie
The Gold Rush. Scenes of the new bourgeoisie
Confront pictures. The Civil War and the cinema
Confront pictures. The Civil War and the cinema
“La Nova Cançó”. The voice of the Catalan people
“La Nova Cançó”. The voice of the Catalan people
Cellars: cooperativism and modernism
Cellars: cooperativism and modernism
Stories of the dressing table, cosmetics and beauty in antiquity
Stories of the dressing table, cosmetics and beauty in antiquity
Pilarin, 50 years drawing for everyone
Pilarin, 50 years drawing for everyone
Mossos d’Esquadra. Second Republic and Civil War (1931-1939)
Mossos d’Esquadra. Second Republic and Civil War (1931-1939)
The sea, the great source
The sea, the great source
Romanesque Art and the Mediterranean. Catalonia, Toulouse and Pisa (1120-1180)
Romanesque Art and the Mediterranean. Catalonia, Toulouse and Pisa (1120-1180)
Barcelona Sensations
Barcelona Sensations
Rembrandt, the light of the shadow
Rembrandt, the light of the shadow
Let’s Advance with Catalan. 30 Years Working for the Language
Let’s Advance with Catalan. 30 Years Working for the Language
Another Egypt. Coptic Collections from the Louvre Museum
Another Egypt. Coptic Collections from the Louvre Museum
Barcelona haute couture
Barcelona haute couture
Advertising in Catalonia 1857-1957. Roldós and the Pioneers
Advertising in Catalonia 1857-1957. Roldós and the Pioneers
Delta awards 50 years of design 1960-2010
Delta awards 50 years of design 1960-2010
Women: Driving Force for Change in India
Women: Driving Force for Change in India
The European Cities of Josep Pla
The European Cities of Josep Pla
Practical politics. Cerda and the Barcelona Provincial Council
Practical politics. Cerda and the Barcelona Provincial Council
The land of Emotions. 150 issues of the magazine “To discover Catalonia »
The land of Emotions. 150 issues of the magazine “To discover Catalonia »
Realities and images on the Mediterranean of the 20th century
Realities and images on the Mediterranean of the 20th century
Shanghai 2010. Benedetta Tagliabue. EMBT
Shanghai 2010. Benedetta Tagliabue. EMBT
Aroun Istanbul with Pamuk
Aroun Istanbul with Pamuk
Barcelona and the “Jocs Florals”, 1859. Modernisation and romanticism
Barcelona and the “Jocs Florals”, 1859. Modernisation and romanticism
Ernest Lluch, the struggle to build a country
Ernest Lluch, the struggle to build a country
Mercè Rodoreda. The death of Innocence
Mercè Rodoreda. The death of Innocence
Princesses from far lands. Catalonia and Hungary in the Middle Ages
Princesses from far lands. Catalonia and Hungary in the Middle Ages
Goodbye TV ! From UHF to DTT
Goodbye TV ! From UHF to DTT
Centelles : the random memory
Centelles : the random memory
Europe in posters
Europe in posters
Football for Press Freedom
Football for Press Freedom
Liceu Òpera Barcelona
Liceu Òpera Barcelona
Observatory Fabra
Observatory Fabra
Feet, traces of evolution
Feet, traces of evolution
Gangs of the 80s. Cinema, press and the street
Gangs of the 80s. Cinema, press and the street
Gas and Oil: The Energy of Fossils
Gas and Oil: The Energy of Fossils
Housing / Cat
Housing / Cat
Immigration now and here
Immigration now and here
The utility of emptiness
The utility of emptiness
Sant Joan de Dèu, Catalonia, Africa: solidarity in action
Sant Joan de Dèu, Catalonia, Africa: solidarity in action
Do not say it was a dream, Terenci
Do not say it was a dream, Terenci
World Press Cartoon. Graphic humour in the press
World Press Cartoon. Graphic humour in the press
Networks. A Journey through Catalonia’s Infrastructures
Networks. A Journey through Catalonia’s Infrastructures
Get closer to science
Get closer to science
Arnold Schönberg. Spirituality and vanguard
Arnold Schönberg. Spirituality and vanguard
Once upon a time Chernobyl
Once upon a time Chernobyl
From Palau to the city
From Palau to the city
Gilabertus. A decisive trip to the discovery of the Romanesque
Gilabertus. A decisive trip to the discovery of the Romanesque
Humans! The first settlers
Humans! The first settlers
Jordi Sarsanedas. Action and creation
Jordi Sarsanedas. Action and creation
The forgotten Games. The people’s Olympiad of ‘36
The forgotten Games. The people’s Olympiad of ‘36
The maternity of Elna
The maternity of Elna
Pioneer photographers in Catalonia
Pioneer photographers in Catalonia
Guarantee the water of the future
Guarantee the water of the future
Jaime Gil de Biedma. The poet who wanted to be a poem
Jaime Gil de Biedma. The poet who wanted to be a poem
Physics and music. Vibrations for the Soul
Physics and music. Vibrations for the Soul
Seafarers of the 21st century
Seafarers of the 21st century
Sant Pere de les Puel.les, a women's monastery
Sant Pere de les Puel.les, a women's monastery
A country of magazines
A country of magazines