Services for museums

  • servicios_museus_museologiaMuseologists, archaeologists, historians, scientists, documentalists… a whole set of professionals willing to devote themselves to a project. Grop brings together everyone’s efforts to create a grounded argument for any museological project.

  • arte_elromanicThe museographic interpretation of a good museological project is essential for understanding and disseminating it. The spatial design, the resources used, the distracted route, intelligent distribution, the latest techniques, the unexpected surprises, camaraderie with the visitor, the provoked participation, the levels of language, the disproportionate dimensions, the real fictions… Ideal surroundings facilitate the visitor’s cognitive access to the content of the exhibition.

  • Grop is a consulting company with no commitment to any particular museum idea or project that you may have, intuit or imagine. From the first outline, with the preliminary studies, feasibility, the search for aid, constructive solutions, the remodelling of spaces, the adaptation of environments, subsidies… Prior consultation and advice with professionals from the sector save time and money in any project, giving more consistency and credibility to the proposal and helping people to believe in its feasibility.

  • servicios_museus_difusionThe creation of a unifying image for the museum and its entire sphere of influence. Dissemination studies, the interposition of outlines, the delivery of announcements, external signage, signage in the environment, interior signage, online museum… The image and dissemination of a museum is the gateway to its content.

  • serveis_museus_almacenamientoProper and practical storage of the museums’ non-public funds facilitate their conservation and its subsequent dissemination. Grop is in a position to design the most suitable warehouse according to the type of museum in question. Shelves, containers, chests of drawers, filing cabinets… The best and most prestigious brands in the service of a project tailored to each need. Regulated climatic conditions, searches for computerised materials and parts, access with controlled security… all the latest progress in the service of art and heritage. Even the warehouses can become accessible and reconvert the insides and foundations of a museum in the most visited and prized of its treasures.

  • serveis_museus_serviciosGrop has the means, knowledge and capacity to organise, implement and even exploit all the parallel and complementary services that accompany and fit in any museum today: gift shop, merchandising and evocative products according to the content of the museum.
    Bar area, leisure area and even a food and drink area, reception area, collection and ticket office, guided tours, monitors or audioguides… The vitality of a museum is directly proportional to its popularity.

  • serveis_museus_suministrosDue to its involvement in the world of museography and the handling of works of art and heritage objects, Grop has logical commercial advantages with the main distributors of conservation, restoration and packaging materials, which is why it can include services such as supplying these kinds of materials and include them in any of its offers. From the simplest polyester conservation corner the indispensable humidity regulator conditioning certain parameters, to the most sophisticated cabin to protect against insects, Grop recommends and endorses the best product for any need in the sector.

  • serveis_museus_produccionGrop develops, tests, constructs, transports and sets up any museographic project until it delivers it turnkey to the museum. Services, products, installations… Grop works to the end of everything it provides, with a guaranteed outcome and professional security.

  • serveis_museus_instalacionThe final installation of all the museographic equipment and the handling of pieces to display are carried out by our own teams of skilled employees and operators. Guarantee of loyalty, training and ability. Grop’s teams of employees and operators create a safe environment of camaraderie for carrying out and finalising any project, using techniques and specialities to ensure the best results. Audiovisual experts, electricians, stage designers, qualified handlers of works of art, with specific knowledge about a particular branch, multidisciplinary operators, etc… A set of skilled people working on the same project and under a single management.

  • serveis_museus_mantenimientoGrop has the infrastructure, means, preparation and staff necessary to enter into contracts for the maintenance of any museum, whether or not the company specifically carries it out. The abilities of Grop’s staff and means enable careful and continuous monitoring of each facility and quick action against possible unexpected developments during use.